Goddess Scope 04: LIBRA

Goddess Scope 04: LIBRA

Posted by Jacinthe Roy Rioux on

Introduction to Goddess Scopes BY MONISHA HOLMES, MSW

Imagine a world driven by injustice and consumed by hate, where we abandon consciousness, allowing the relentless id to guide our every move. What if we gave up the ability to act with intention and consideration, instead succumbing to primal desires and untempered passions? In such a world, the absence of balance would reign, and with it, chaos. Chaotic outbursts would replace reasoned conversations, and emotional eruptions would dominate the space once held by thoughtful connection. We would become the villains in our own stories, driven by unrestrained impulses, forever seeking fleeting thrills and shallow pleasures.


How could we navigate the complexity of human relationships in a world devoid of care or responsibility? Without balance, effort, and the steady hand of compassion, we risk plunging into a dystopia. After contemplating this bleak scenario, Why would anyone choose to invite more chaos into their life? What happens when we disregard the need for harmony and actively provoke calamity—albeit creatively?


Operating from this perspective, masculine energy becomes corrupted by selfishness. Instead of contributing to the well-being of the collective, it pushes away the need for understanding and care. This selfish masculinity manifests as deception, betrayal, and irresponsibility, creating a character that is unreliable at best and toxic at worst. Without balance, masculinity finds itself crumbling under the weight of its unchecked impulses. And here lies the sharp contrast with Libra energy, which embodies the balance that selfish masculinity lacks.


Libra energy, without love, has no ruler. Without balance, it has no foundation. And without a vessel to express its harmonious potential, Libra's influence is muted, becoming a distorted reflection of itself. This distortion leads to unpleasurable and unsatisfying formations—a Libra energy that is misused, misunderstood, and ultimately wasted.


About Libra 

Contrary to the unreliable and chaotic masculine energy described above, Libra energy stands for balance, love, and partnership. Associated with the planet Venus, Libra thrives on beauty, connection, and the desire to create harmony in all aspects of life. The seventh house, which Libra rules, is often called the house of marriage and partnerships, reflecting the emphasis Libra places on romantic, platonic, or professional relationships. In its purest form, Libra energy seeks collaboration and thrives in environments where mutual respect and vulnerability can flourish.


At its highest expression, Libra energy is the architect of balance in relationships. It fosters spaces where each person’s needs are heard and valued while considering the greater good of the collective. This energy doesn’t shy away from creating processes that unite people, honoring the individual's desires and the collective’s well-being. But what sets Libra apart is its active pursuit of love—not just in word, but in deed. Unlike its Venus-ruled counterpart, Taurus, which seeks pleasure through indulgence, Libra is more about our actions to love and be loved.


When inspired by Libra energy, we may find ourselves compelled to do something extraordinary for the sake of love. Perhaps it's styling our hair in a way that our partner adores, or maybe it's going out of our way to create a grand romantic gesture—something that screams “I love you” without us having to say the words. In its quest for connection, Libra is thoughtful, charming, and romantic, continually seeking ways to express love through meaningful action.


However, as much as Libra’s energy is driven by love, it also has a thirst for affection that can sometimes be slippery. To love for the sake of love can sometimes feel more like a sport than an act of true sacrifice or dedication. This is where the duality of Libra energy comes into play: is it the ultimate lover, or is it simply playing the role of the charming romantic chasing after fleeting pleasures?


Defining Libra Energy:

Often, those who are skeptical of astrology or immature astrology enthusiasts hold the false belief that our Sun sign entirely establishes the essence of our persona—an idea as flawed as thinking the ego is all there is to the self. In reality, Libra energy exists within every birth chart and can be ascribed to many of our mundane and dramatic behaviors. What qualifies Libra’s energy is its care for justice and righteousness, interest in creating beauty where there was despair, and willingness to pursue a never-ending quest for balance. Libra's energy compels everything it touches to seek companionship, and any liar attempting to enter Libra’s space will find themselves smothered by Libra’s need for romantic unity. Represented by equalizing scales, no lies can prosper within Libra's domain.


Zodiac Sign:

Season: September 23th - October 22

Modality: Libra is associated with the cardinal modality. Cardinal energy characterizes Libra by prompting it to be a creative, self-starter, and initiator of love. The cardinal energy associated with Libra energy creates an exciting, dynamic splash of fun within our birth chart. At best, Libra energy encourages us to take time to consider the perspectives of others and take actions to help fill in gaps and raise the vibration of those in need of support. At worst, cardinal energy can express itself as impulsive and seemingly selfish, even when the intentions are pure!

Element: Libra is associated with Air, making it a fun and sometimes flighty energy to work with. While Libra is inclined to inquire about others and even make meaningful suggestions, the airiness of the Zodiac energy can lead to it coming off as though it is not fully invested in the outcome. It is almost as though it is overseeing interactions, occasionally contributing meaningful insights, and then drifting onto the next subject of its interest. Of course, though, at best, Libra Energy can act as a model for the true nature of accountability. Only taking responsibility over the stock it has deemed itself attached to, and unfortunately, negotiating with what it does not want to carry the burden of (even if the assignment of responsibility is fair). 

Ruling Planet: As mentioned, Libra’s ruling planet is Venus. Venus is the planet associated with love, beauty, and pleasure. To imagine Libra energy is first to imagine the Goddesses Aphrodite or Oshun, and then to imagine if they were male. What was originally a soft-bodied and ethereal Goddess quickly turns into a dashing and charming God-like being. Somewhat like a casanova or a modern-day lover boy, the characterization of Venus through Libra’s energy becomes somewhat of a man with puppy-dog-like eyes and the heart of a hopeless romantic.  

Noir Kala Archetype: The Noir Kala archetype associated with Libra is The Mystic Traveler. The mystic traveler unintentionally speaks multiple languages, alternating between the basics of communications, her truth, the story in which strangers might rather hear, and the objective and lengthy factors of the matter. Navigating through life with a sense of zest and care for the unknown, instead of leading with fear she operates so fully out of love for the unknown. She fearlessly defies common perceptions of human limits, continuously seeking a new adventure despite the discomforts that life might bring. Similarly to Libra, she finds the most subjectively beautiful artifacts to adorn herself with, only carrying with her what she believes is worthy of being cherished and held onto. As a mystic traveler, she has no room to hoard items mindlessly in her cloak. Therefore, each piece and artistic selection is likely sentimental and invaluable. 


Tapping into Virgo’s Goddess Energy

Goddess Anthem: Charismatic - Hailey Knox

Affirmation: “World peace starts from within and extends far beyond me.”

Symbolic Jewelry: Charm | Hoop Earrings (Price: $53 USD) Being governed by the planet Venus, Libra Energy feels a deep need to operate with consideration for how their actions and words will be received. The Charm | Hoop Earrings effortlessly align well with the zodiac sign Libra. The Charm | Hoop Earrings radiate enchantment, magnetism, grace, and beauty, all qualities of which Libra energy exudes. Of course, there are Charm | Hoop Earrings without Libra. However, there is no Libra without the ability to charm! 


Social Practice: Libras often fall into the trap of obligation and overextension. Despite being highly caring individuals, sometimes they forget to find the time to be selfish and ethically tend to themselves, which can result in some questionable behaviors… To ensure that our inner Libra is tended to before performing for others, we must carve out time to beautify and pamper ourselves. Connecting with friends and deciding when to indulge in mani-pedis or facemasks can provide the rejuvenation necessary to take on life. 


Self-Love Ritual: Hydrating Facemask 

Libra’s connection to beauty, harmony, and balance calls for a face mask that nourishes the skin and the soul. This hydrating face mask revitalizes your complexion and centers your energy with the grounding and heart-opening qualities of beets. Beets, known for their rich color and antioxidant properties, symbolize love and vitality, making them a perfect addition to your self-care routine.


  • 1 tablespoon raw honey (hydrates and has antibacterial properties)
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel (soothes and heals)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh beet juice (rich in antioxidants and promotes glowing skin)
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil (moisturizes and softens skin)
  • A few drops of rose water (tones and balances)


  1. Set the Mood: Create a serene environment by lighting candles or burning incense to evoke Libra’s peaceful, balanced nature. Take deep breaths to center yourself, aligning your mind with the intentions of self-love and harmony.
  2. Prepare the Beet Juice: Blend a small piece of beetroot with a splash of water, then strain the liquid to extract the juice. Be mindful that beets can stain skin—if you’re concerned, test the juice on a small area first.
  3. Mix the Mask: In a small bowl, combine the honey, aloe vera gel, coconut oil, beet juice, and rose water. Stir together while visualizing your intention of balance, beauty, and self-care.
  4. Apply the Mask: Gently apply the mask to your face using circular motions. The vibrant beet juice will give your skin a natural glow, while the honey and aloe vera hydrate and soothe. Let the mask sit for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Meditate with Libra Energy: While the mask is on, close your eyes and focus on breathing. Imagine the beet’s energy grounding your heart and revitalizing your spirit. Picture yourself radiating with balance and inner peace as the mask nourishes your skin and soul.
  6. Rinse and Rejuvenate: Rinse off the mask with warm water, imagining any tension or imbalances being washed away, leaving your skin refreshed and glowing.

Final Ritual:
After rinsing, pat your skin dry and apply a light moisturizer. Look in the mirror and appreciate the harmony you’ve created between your inner and outer beauty. End with this affirmation: “I am rooted in balance, love, and harmony. My beauty, both within and without, shines brightly.”



By Monisha Holmeswww.monishaholmes.com

Editor: Jacinthe Rioux, Noir Kāla

Photography: Bianca Des Jardins

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